VOGUE MAGAZINE: Katy Perry in "Beauty And The Beast" by Photographer Annie Leibovitz

VOGUE MAGAZINE Katy Perry in Beauty And The Beast by Annie Leibovitz. Tonne Goodman, July 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (4)
St: Tonne Goodman 
VOGUE MAGAZINE Katy Perry in Beauty And The Beast by Annie Leibovitz. Tonne Goodman, July 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (6)

VOGUE MAGAZINE Katy Perry in Beauty And The Beast by Annie Leibovitz. Tonne Goodman, July 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (5)VOGUE MAGAZINE Katy Perry in Beauty And The Beast by Annie Leibovitz. Tonne Goodman, July 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (1)VOGUE MAGAZINE Katy Perry in Beauty And The Beast by Annie Leibovitz. Tonne Goodman, July 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (2)VOGUE MAGAZINE Katy Perry in Beauty And The Beast by Annie Leibovitz. Tonne Goodman, July 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (3)


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