VOGUE MAGAZINE: The Emperor's New Clothes by Photographer Mario Testino

VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (2)
Mo: Carolyn Murphy, Rina Ohta, Hikari Mori, Izumi Mori, Nobuyoshi Araki, Nakamura Fukusuke IX, Exile, Rinko Kikuchi & Kiko Misuhara
St: Camilla Nickerson 
VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified

VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (1)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (3)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (4)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (5)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (6)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (7)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (8)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (9)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (10)VOGUE MAGAZINE- The Emperor's New Clothes by Mario Testino. Camilla Nickerson, March 2013, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (11)


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