VOGUE MAGAZINE: Lara Stone in "Above the Fold" by Photographer David Sims

VOGUE MAGAZINE- Lara Stone in Above the Fold by David Sims. Camilla Nickerson, December 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified7
St: Camilla Nickerson
VOGUE MAGAZINE- Lara Stone in Above the Fold by David Sims. Camilla Nickerson, December 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified6

VOGUE MAGAZINE- Lara Stone in Above the Fold by David Sims. Camilla Nickerson, December 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified8VOGUE MAGAZINE- Lara Stone in Above the Fold by David Sims. Camilla Nickerson, December 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified9VOGUE MAGAZINE- Lara Stone in Above the Fold by David Sims. Camilla Nickerson, December 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified0VOGUE MAGAZINE- Lara Stone in Above the Fold by David Sims. Camilla Nickerson, December 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified1


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