VOGUE MAGAZINE: Raquel Zimmermann in "She Wears the Pants" by Photographer David Sims

VOGUE MAGAZINE Raquel Zimmermann in She Wears the Pants by David Sims. Tonne Goodman, January 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (1)
VOGUE MAGAZINE Raquel Zimmermann in She Wears the Pants by David Sims. Tonne Goodman, January 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (6)

VOGUE MAGAZINE Raquel Zimmermann in She Wears the Pants by David Sims. Tonne Goodman, January 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (2)
VOGUE MAGAZINE Raquel Zimmermann in She Wears the Pants by David Sims. Tonne Goodman, January 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (3) VOGUE MAGAZINE Raquel Zimmermann in She Wears the Pants by David Sims. Tonne Goodman, January 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (4)
VOGUE MAGAZINE Raquel Zimmermann in She Wears the Pants by David Sims. Tonne Goodman, January 2011, www.imageamplified.com, Image Amplified (5)


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